Remember That Show? Ep. 15: E/R (1984)

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Adam and Will are are taking an ambulance ride to the past as they watch E/R (no, not that one) featuring George Clooney (seriously, NOT that one), the one season sitcom from 1984 starring Elliott Gould and a cast of familiar faces. We explore the mystery of why George Jefferson appeared in the pilot, reveal which of the actors also appeared in G.I. Joe The Movie and so much more.

The RTS hosts also appeared on the Totally Rad Christmas podcast to dive deep into a holiday themed edition of E/R featuring a cameo from Martha Quinn of MTV fame that you can listen to here
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Chad Droze
  • retrodolls77
  • Tim Heasley

Creators and Guests

Host of @WizardsComics, Rental Return, Remember That Show?, Thrift Store Horde & Waxpack Flashback on @TRNSocial. Reviewer at @popgeeks. Obsessed with 80's & 90's pop culture.
William Bruce West
William Bruce West
I've forgotten more about pop culture than you'll ever know.
Remember That Show? Ep. 15: E/R (1984)
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